
people drive me crazy

With the upcoming release of Vista looming, there are people all over message boards on the net screaming about how Vista is a ripoff of Mac OSX and how Microsoft just copies everyone else.

Putting aside the actual factual nature of this statement, which really only applies to cosmetics, I'd bet that the user base screaming this is a huge fan of open source software. Take a look at the vast majority of open source software, what does it do? It rips off an existing commercial product. There's very few original ideas in the open source community, they're largely playing catchup. (With the possible exception of P2P software). People need to get their standards straight.

Innovation is a series of incremental improvements, almost always. Occasionally you'll get something new, but most of the time, you'll integrate a bunch of good ideas someone else had, and then add some of your own, or just combine them in a new way. There's nothing wrong with that, that's how we advance.


At 12/17/2006 5:39 PM, Anonymous elaina said...

Be sure to tune into the next thrilling episode of Tobin's Tirade of Hatred...

At 12/17/2006 8:28 PM, Blogger sam said...

My issue isn't so much the copying -- I mean big deal, if no one copied and improved we'd still be using a cactus to masturbate with instead of a sweet sweet dildo -- but the key word 'improved'. Wow bad sentence structure there. Anyway, maybe if MS didn't make such shite in comparison to OS X but actually made it easier to use and not a festering pile of hog semen people wouldn't complain as much. Now maybe Vista solves all of this and the bliss from using it will be like drinking armagnac out of a beautiful woman's navel, but I don't have high hopes given their track record. Oh sure the die hard fans will say that it's not really a bad UI and it's really easy to use, but they're probably just deluding themselves. I mean come on, 14 ways of turning off the machine?

In closing, MS has to realize that the public owns it for life. And when Bill Gates is dead, he'll be in commercials, dancing with vacuum cleaners. Thank you, your honor.

At 12/18/2006 8:20 AM, Blogger Talldean said...

Vista's more stable, runs faster on shitty hardware, and works a wee bit better out of the box than XP. They also polished the UI.

Assuming OS/X was built by doing UI/usability studies, and Vista was done doing the same... the UI should keep converging. The Wii is the only novel concept in electronics interface in years... and that's a ripoff of the fucking POWER GLOVE.

I'm really wondering what the open source OS/X mafia *wants* Microsoft to do? Being fuck off and die isn't an option for product development...


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