
idea for ebay

After having sold some stuff of mine on Ebay lately, I've got an idea for them.

There should be an option called "guaranteed payment", where Ebay only lets you bid on an item if you have the amount of your bid available in your PayPal account.

And once you win the auction, that amount is immediately and automatically deducted from your account and sent to the seller.*

And sellers should have the option of making their auctions "guaranteed payment only", excluding the howling, braying, sea of savages who always make my life miserable every time I auction something. I'm currently on week three of waiting for one of the buyers to pay, who keeps sending emails like "I'll send paypal tomorrow", or "Paypal is acting weird, I'm going to send you a money order".

It's not that goddamn hard. I'd like Ebay to take the option of non-payment out of their hands.

* Yes, I realize there'd be issues like you moving the money out of the account before the auction ends. Except I've got that figured out too. That money gets earmarked for the auction and you're not ALLOWED to spend it, unless you get outbid. I should be a common sense consultant.


At 10/14/2006 11:29 AM, Blogger Rustin Coziahr said...

I bet you also wish your dingleberry brother would sell his own stuff on eBay so you didn’t have to sell it for him.

At 10/14/2006 11:29 AM, Blogger Rustin Coziahr said...

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At 10/14/2006 6:35 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Freeze part of the PayPal balance, just like how restaurants, hotels, etc. use an authorization hold on a credit card. Sounds like a good idea to me.


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