

Life just isn't fair. They brought back the McRib again, which is the most delicious and glorious sandwich ever created at a fast food restaurant, and it's apparently only available in Tucson.

They have a website, www.mcrib.com, and it tells you if the mcrib is available in your area. I just tried plugging in the zip codes of several cities on my route back to the bay area after thanksgiving, including my home town of Santa Clara, and they all say FUCK YOU NO MCRIB FOR YOU. But if you enter 85739, a Tucson zip code, you get like 100 hits.

Do any of you have McRibs available near you? Do Californians just hate delicious pork sandwiches? Why does McDonalds hate me so?

I'm strongly considering trying to stop at 8am tomorrow around here somewhere and getting me a damn McRib, I haven't had one for years. It shouldn't be so hard to get this goddamn sandwich, it has its own website, which you think would indicate to McDonalds that it's popular. Fuckers.


At 11/26/2006 7:30 AM, Anonymous Erin said...

I hate to taunt you, but you asked - Atlanta is all chock full of McRib. This isn't really surprisingly since the South is pretty much the pork sandwich capital of the world, and yes, Californians do hate delicious pork sandwiches, from what I hear. But if you want to get a gluten-free, soy-free, fat-free, sugar-free, meatless version of the McRib, you could probably find 12 restaurants in two blocks for that.

Can McRibs be sent through the mail?

At 11/26/2006 8:41 PM, Anonymous mick said...

I've got a bunch of hits in San Antonio, but then we are one of the fattest cities.

At 11/29/2006 1:08 AM, Blogger Tobin said...

I don't think it would still be hot and soft and delicious by the time it got to me.

I wish I could tell it "damn the distance, just tell me the closest mcrib" . I'd probably make a road trip.


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