

I got a Wii!

Gulkis, Richard, Yuzo, Elaina and I all sat outside a Toys R Us for 10 hours today to get one of 100 Wiis that went on sale at midnight.

The original plan was to get there at 6pm with plenty of time to spare. When I called Toys R Us today at noon to see what was up, they said "Well, there's about 35 people in line already." Fuck!

So we raced up there, and about an hour after we arrived, the line was completely full, and remained that way the rest of the night. There were no stabbings or muggings like the PS3 launch, people were really well behaved, and they numbered us and herded us along like little happy Nintendo cattle.

You might wonder why I'm sitting here typing a blog entry instead of playing with my wonderful new toy. Well, that's because it's been updating its software for 30 minutes, which apparently in 2006 is still too hard to do in the FUCKING BACKGROUND. So I wait. I'll probably get to play about 10 minutes before I pass out.


Oh, I got Wii Sports, Zelda, and Rayman.


At 11/19/2006 3:50 AM, Blogger Rich said...

Notably, it wants to update for Weather and News, but says that the service has not yet launched. Mine's fully updated, but those aren't yet available.

The messaging is cool, though.


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