
you've been meme'd

I pretty much never do web memes, because they usually involve stupid lists of questions where people give one word answers, or fill out quizzes, or any other number of inane things that tell you nothing about a person but allow them to talk about themselves without really sharing anything. (Have you ever gotten drunk? Yes! LOL!)

This one is pretty interesting though, in that it asks you to share five things about yourself that other people don't know, and that requires a bit of thought. And it's fun. So since I've been memetagged by Richard, away we go:

1) I was in a public service announcement in Maryland for abstinence. It was me and a puppet holding a gun, and we compared having sex before marriage to playing Russian roulette. I was young and in theater and I wanted the experience, god help me.

2) I obsessively count things, all the time. Number of steps I take, number of seconds I'm brushing my teeth, you name it, I'm probably counting in my head. It's not like I'm OCD and I have to do it a certain number of times, it's more like either a) I get bored and can't help myself, or b) it's an activity like watering my lawn or something where I can't tell how long I've been doing it, and I count internally to measure the passage of time. Otherwise I'd get lost and I wouldn't know if I'd been doing it for a minute or an hour.

3) My right ear is noticibly higher than my left.

4) Adrienne and I have no anniversary, since we have no idea how long we've actually been dating. Which is pretty cool for someone like me who doesn't really dig special days.

5) When I was younger, I had nonstop fantasies that I was actually a robot and everything presented to me was a fitness test. I figured my parents were assigned to monitor me, and I would always run scenarios through my head where I was having to count or find patterns in tiles, or send out energy rays at certain points in a room, or any number of other dumb things.

Whew, that was tough, I wanted to make sure I thought of shit that you all genuinely wouldn't know, which was harder than I thought.


At 1/14/2007 2:16 AM, Blogger sam said...

Huh, I was in a Wisconsin PSA called "911 not for fun!" when I was in like seventh grade. You're thing reminded me of that. They gave honor roll kids the afternoon off and we all went into the auditorium where they had some crazy cover band doing this 80s song with the lyrics "911 not for fun!" It was a huge production, smoke machines, lasers, lights everywhere. Kinda fun.

This also reminds me of a video I was in during 2nd or 3rd grade for PBS. I have no idea what it was for but I remember playing on all these landmarks in Milwaukee for a couple days while they filmed us.

I wonder if any of these videos still exist.

At 1/18/2007 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote a freewrite around Christmas time and this is incentive to unlock that particular post.

Details at a later date.



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